Sitecore – Breaking changes when using the Solr ContentSearch provider in Sitecore 10.1+

Within the past few days my main focus was upgrading a solution from Sitecore 9.2, to Sitecore 10.2. I didn’t have any struggles and the upgrade was pretty smooth, until the client started testing the search behaviour. Apparently Sitecore introduced a breaking change within Sitecore 10.1, that changes the way that queries with Contains are …

Sitecore SXA – Sort by title does not work

Please note that my suggested solution isn’t specific for SXA. You can use this without SXA, as it introduces a new computed field. The SXA Sort Results component lets you sort your search results based on the Sortings that you define within /sitecore/content/Your Tenant/Your Site/Data/Search/Sort Results.This functionality will make use of the default Solr sorting, …